A chaud, l'année 2007 s'est avérée une année plutôt décevante en sorties rap pour l'équipe d'Hip Hop Core, et peut-être pour vous qui nous lisez également. Une poignée d'albums seulement, que l'on pourrait presque compter sur les doigts d'une main, nous ont réellement conquis et sont parvenus à récolter la plupart de nos suffrages, au milieu d'une multitude de sorties médiocres et sans ambitions. Gageons pour autant que toute une volée de disques ont échappé jusqu'ici à notre radar (pourtant sophistiquée) et nous ferons changer d'avis d'ici quelques années, du moins, espérons-le.
En tout cas, ce constat s'est ressenti en faisant la synthèse de tous vos votes et, comme l'an passé avec "Donuts" de J Dilla et "Terrain To Roam" de Subtitle, deux albums se sont largement démarqués du reste avec un nombre de votes importants. El-P et Shape Of Broad Minds sont donc (sans trop de surprises) les deux albums les plus plébiscités de cette année 2007, à la fois par l'équipe du site mais aussi par les visiteurs.
Le Top 30 des visiteurs
Le Top 10 de l'équipe d'Hip Hop Core
Les rééditions et archives de l'année
Le Top des autres musiques
Les Tops 10 détaillés des rédacteurs
Les autres tops des rédacteurs
Nous ne sommes pas les premiers à l'avoir fait, mais nous avons voulu cette année (pour vous faire un joli cadeau bonus) demander à des artistes que l'on apprécie (et dont l'actualité a été plus ou moins fleurissante dernièrement) les 5 albums sortis en 2007 qu'ils ont le plus apprécié, tout styles confondus cette fois-ci. Un grand merci aux 100 artistes qui auront bien voulu prendre le temps de nous répondre et de se pencher sur la question qui, au final, a été plus difficile que prévu pour certains.
Le Top 5 des artistes
Top 30 des visiteurs
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
03. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
04. UGK "Underground Kingz"
05. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
06. Wu-Tang Clan "8 Diagrams"
07. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
08. Buck 65 "Situation"
09. La Rumeur "Du Coeur A L'Outrage"
10. Dizzee Rascal "Maths + English "
11. edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
12. Sole And The Skyrider Band "s/t"
13. Common "Finding Forever"
14. TOCA "Toca"
15. Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance"
16. Percee P "Perseverance"
17. Haroun "Au Front"
18. Hocus Pocus "Place 54"
19. Kanye West "Graduation"
20. Flynt "J'Eclaire Ma Ville"
21. Dälek "Abandoned Language"
22. Wiley "Playtime Is Over"
23. Rumi "Hell Me Why??"
24. Thavius Beck "Give Us Free!"
25. Federation "It's Whateva"
26. MF Grimm "The Hunt For The Gingerbread Man"
27. Adlib "International Beats (Final Version)"
28. Soso "Tinfoil On The Windows"
29. Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
30. Jay-Z "American Gangster"
Top 10 Hip Hop Core
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
03. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
04. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
05. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
06. High Priest "Born Identity"
07. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
08. Buck 65 "Situation"
09. Adlib "International Beats (Final Version)"
10. Dälek "Abandoned Language"
Hors-Concours : Rééditions

Kool Keith "Sex Style – The Un-Released Archives"

J Dilla "Ruff Draft"

Godfather Don "The Nineties Session"

Ultimate Force "I'm Not Playin' [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]"

J Rock "Streetwize"
Hors-Concours : Autres musiques

Radiohead "In Rainbows"

David Torn "Prezens"

Supersilent "8"

Robert Wyatt "Comicopera"

Battles "Mirrored"
Top 10 des rédacteurs
01. Haroun "Au Front"
02. Federation "It's Whateva"
03. MF Grimm "The Hunt For The Gingerbread Man"
04. Nyoil "Hood Treason"
05. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
06. Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
07. La Rumeur "Du Coeur A L'Outrage"
08. Big City "The City Never Sleeps"
09. Flynt "J'Eclaire Ma Ville"
10. Psycho Les "Psycho Therapy"
01. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
02. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
03. Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance"
04. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
05. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
06. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
07. Buck 65 "Situation"
08. Saul Williams "The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of NiggyTardust!"
09. ATK "Silence Radio"
10. Thavius Beck "Give Us Free!" & Giovanni Marks "Black Adam [Mixtape Vol.1]"
01. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
02. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
03. Suga Free "Sunday School"
04. Crime Mob "Hated On Mostly"
05. Eligh & Magi "The Brothers Grime"
06. Scarface "MADE"
07. Necro "Death Rap"
08. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
09. Giovanni Marks "Marks In Angles"
10. Kanye West "Graduation"
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
03. High Priest "Born Identity"
04. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
05. Xczircles "The Purge"
06. Buck 65 "Situation"
07. Thaione Davis "Burgundy [The Antebellum Collection]"
08. Dälek "Abandoned Language"
09. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
10. Disflex.6 "Slow Burn"
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
03. Talib Kweli "Eardrum"
04. Xczircles "The Purge"
05. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
06. J.Medeski, M.Shipp & S.Hard "Scotty Hard's Radical Reconstructive Surgery"
07. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
08. Adlib "International Beats (Final Version)"
09. High Priest "Born Identity "
10. Zimbabwe Legit "House Of Stone"
01. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
02. edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
03. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
04. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
05. Wiley "Playtime Is Over"
06. La Rumeur "Du Coeur A L'Outrage"
07. UGK "Underground Kingz"
08. Giovanni Marks "Marks In Angles"
09. Dizzee Rascal "Maths + English"
10. Buck 65 "Situation"
01. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
02. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
03. Adlib "International Beats (Final Version)"
04. Dälek "Abandoned Language"
05. High Priest "Born Identity"
06. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
07. Buck 65 "Situation"
08. Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
09. Devin The Dude "Waintin' To Inhale"
10. Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance"
01. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
02. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
03. High Priest "Born Identity"
04. UGK "Underground Kingz"
05. Dälek "Abandoned Language"
06. edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
07. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
08. Dizzee Rascal "Maths + English"
09. Saul Williams "The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of NiggyTardust!"
10. Bleubird "RIP U$A"
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
03. Adlib "International Beats (Final Version)"
04. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
05. Thavius Beck "Give Us Free!"
06. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
07. Buck 65 "Situation"
08. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
09. High Priest "Born Identity"
10. Dälek "Abandoned Language"
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Durrty Goodz "Axiom"
03. Disflex.6 "Slow Burn"
04. Bored Stiff "From The Ground Up"
05. Maintenance Crew "Simple Is, The Way It's Spoken"
06. Youth:Kill "Mixtape Vol.01"
07. Dizzee Rascal "Maths + English"
08. Buck 65 "Situation"
09. Private School "Sea Saw"
10. Tenshun pour l'ensemble de son oeuvre en 2007
Autres Top des rédacteurs
Hits US en vrac:
Federation 'Got Me Fucked Up'
Devin The Dude 'Hope I Don't Get Sick A Dis' / 'She Want That Money'
Niamaj & Kero One 'Yagotta (Raindrop Remix)'
Jay-Z 'Roc Boys' / 'No Hook'
Statik Selektah 'Stop, Look, Listen'
J-Love 'Amsterdam'
DJ Spinna 'Daisy Crazy'
Marco Polo & Masta Ace 'Nostalgia'
Little Brother 'Good Clothes'
Scarface 'Big Dogg Status'
Daz Dillinger & Turf Talk 'All About Money'
Mention spé: Ciara 'Like A Boy'
Hits Français en vrac:
Haroun 'Le Zonard'
La Rumeur 'Un Chien Dans Ma Tête'
Hocus Pocus & T-Love 'Vocab'
Dreyf & Catharsis 'Comme Dans Un Coin Du Bronx'
Alpha 5.20 & Medine 'Le Mal Qu'On A Fait'
Kery James 'Le Combat Continue 3'
Creestal 'Sun'N'Roses'
Enz 'Silence' / 'La Dernière'
Jeff Le Nerf 'Generation 2007'
Brahi & Haroun 'Retour Au Kif'
East Of Underground "East Of Underground"
Buckwild "Diggin' In The Crates – Rare Studio Masters: 1993 – 1997"
T-Love "Defintion Of The Yee-Yee"
Kool Keith "Sex Style – The Un-Released Archives"
Davy Dave "The Blue Mix... Still In Love With Hip Hop"
Kon & Amir "Off Track"
Slurg "Return Of Da Boom Bleep"
DJ Smoke "Busta Rhymes"
Morceaux hors concours les plus écoutés cette année:
24 Carat Black 'Mother's Day'
Nancy Ajram 'Ya Tabta'
Les sites que j'ai aimé:
Projets attendus pour 2008:
L'album de Dreyf & Catharsis
Mon mix pour Hip-Hop Core
Mentions spéciales :
Chamillionaire "Ultimate Victory"
Awol One, Josh Martinez & DJ Moves "Splitsville"
Cap D "Return Of The Renegade"
Odd Nosdam "Level Live Wires"
Blockhead "Uncle Tony's Coloring Book"
Smash hits:
Flying Lotus 'S T U N T S'
ATK 'Ils Versent Un Sourire'
Wu-Tang Clan feat. Erykah Badu 'The Heart Gently Weeps'
Busdriver 'Sunshower'
Existereo feat. Andre Legacy, Mickey Avalon & My Dad 'How The West Was Won'
Oubliés de l'an passé:
Sefyu "Qui Suis-Je?"
Clipse "Hell Hath No Fury"
Blue Sky Black Death "A Heap Of Broken Images"
Curse Ov Dialect "Wooden Tongues"
Débruit "To Nartik Kef!"
Meilleurs concerts:
Giovanni Marks & Thavius Beck @ 21 Sound Bar le 9 décembre
2Mex, Awol One & Josh Martinez @ Triptyque le 27 janvier
Flying Lotus @ Nouveau Casino le 8 novembre
Airborn Audio @ Glaz'Art le 12 février
dDamage @ Flèche d'Or le 22 octobre
Meilleur Tour-CD: Lab Waste (burnt @ DB's-75010 on 03.12.2007)
Pour faire court (EP's) : Flying Lotus "Reset", Daedelus "Fair Weather Friends", M.Fusion "The Goth Kid".
Best of non-rap:
CocoRosie "The Adventures Of Ghosthorse And Stillborn"
Radiohead "In Rainbows"
Bruce Springsteen "Magic"
Björk "Volta"
Beirut "The Flying Club Cup"
Mafia K'1 Fry "Jusqu'à La Mort" ; UGK "Underground Kings" ; Aelpeacha "Val II Marne Rider" ; 50 Cent "Curtis" ; Bomarr "Scraps" ; Seth Gueko "Patate De Forrain" ; Thavius Beck "Give Us Free!" ; Awol One, Josh Martinez & DJ Moves "Splitsville".
Top 3 des "albums que j'ai pas eu envie d'écouter cette année alors qu'ils auraient pu bouleverser mon classement":
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
02. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
03. Buck 65 "Situation"
Top "R.I.P." de l'année:
01. Pimp C
02. Sinister
Si je l'avais écouté plus tôt il aurait été dans mon top 10 l'an passé: Cee!!!!!!!! & Moves are The Drunken Arseholes "Rural Pimps"
Mentions spéciales: Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat", Maintenance Crew "Simple Is, The Way It's Spoken", Giovanni Marks "Marks In Angles", Telephone Jim Jesus "Anywhere Out Of The Everything", Oh No "Dr. No's Oxperiment", Atmosphere "Sad Clow Bad Summer #9", Y Society "Travel At Your Own Pace", Decompoze "Decomposition", CunninLynguists "Dirty Acres", Awol One, Josh Martinez & DJ Moves "Splitsville", Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance", Psykick Lyrikah "Acte", DJ Drez & Zaire Black "Panoramic Utopia", Bored Stiff "From The Ground Up", A Plus "My Last Good Deed" ainsi qu'Offwhyte "Mainstay" et Jay-Z "American Ganster" (pour leur meilleure moitié)…
Street-tape de l'année: Giovanni Marks "Black Adam [Mixtape Vol.1]"
Tour-CD de l'année: Lab Waste "Tour CD"
Hors-Concours (Rééditions spéciales sur CD et archives d'origine antérieure à 2007):
01. Kool Keith "Sex Style – The Un-Released Archives"
02. Ultimate Force "I'm Not Playin' [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]"
03. Ghostface Killah "Hidden Darts [Special Edition]"
04. J Dilla "Ruff Draft"
05. Godfather Don "The Nineties Session"
06. Brand Nubian "Time's Runnin' Out"
07. The Wascals "Greatest Hits"
08. Buckwild "Diggin' In The Crates – Rare Studio Masters: 1993 – 1997"
09. J Rock "Streetwize"
10. Rob-O "Rhyme Pro"
…mais aussi Demon Boyz "Recognition", Freestyle Professors "The Best of Freestyle Professors", Hieroglyphics "Over Time", MC Shan "Down By Law [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]", The Infamous Mobb Deep "The Infamous Archives" ou Mr. Live "The Bang Theory".
Parce qu'on écoute aussi d'autres musiques: David Torn "Prezens", Radiohead "In Rainbows", Supersilent "8", Feist "The Reminder", soso "tinfoil on the windows", David S. Ware Quartet "Renunciation", The Claudia Quintet "For", TOCA "Toca", Rocking Chair "Rocking Chair", Sophie Alour "Uncaged", Sylvain Guérineau "Dies Irae", Tocanne / Martin / Gaudillat "new dreams nOw!", Derek Bailey "Standards", Eliot Lipp "City Synthesis", Björk "Volta"… et évidemment l'édition inespérée de Charles Mingus Sextet with Eric Dolphy "Cornell 1964" et les multiples rééditions de jazz qui ont vu le jour cette année.
Retardataires (ils auraient été distingués l'an passé s'ils avaient été entendus à temps): Anomaly "The Long Road", Earmint "Another Early Evening", Inoe One & Sach "Name Science", Cee!!!!!!!! & Moves are The Drunken Arseholes "Rural Pimps"…
Déceptions de l'année:
01. Ultramagnetic MC'S "The Best Kept Secret"
02. Polyrhythm Addicts "Break Glass..."
03. Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
04. Common "Finding Forever"
05. Percee P "Perseverance"
06. Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
07. Wu-Tang Clan "8 Diagrams"
08. Ex-Vandalz "Docile Takeover Vol. 1 [Graffiti Brydge]"
09. Rob Sonic "Sabotage Gigante"
10. Prince Po & TomC3 "Saga Of The Simian Samurai"
…ainsi que la plupart des sorties Galapagos4 de cette année, le Joe Dub & Factor "Live In 75" et le "Gutterfly" des Lifesavas… et, à vrai dire, le manque d'ambition ou d'audace de l'écrasante majorité des sorties rap entendues cette année.
Rayon frais:
Flying Lotus "Reset", Phat Kat "Carte Blanche", Styles P "Super Gangster (Extraordinary Gentleman)", Durrty Goodz "Axiom", Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale", Giovanni Marks "Marks in Angles", Percee P "Perseverance", Daedelus "Fair Weather Friends", Buck 65 "Situation", Disflex.6 "Slow Burn", Bored Stiff "From The Ground Up", Hell Razah "Renaissance Child", Blue Sky Black Death & Hell Razah "Razah's Lader", Aelpeacha "Val II Marne Rider", Sixtoo "Vipers And Jackals In Envy Of Man", Omid "Afterwords 3".
Rayon Oldies Goodies:
01. Ultimate Force "I'm Not Playin' [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]"
02. J Rock "Streetwize"
03. Godfather Don "The Nineties Sessions"
04. Kool G Rap & DJ Polo "Road To The Riches [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]"
05. Biz Markie "Goin'Off [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]"
06. Master Ace "Take A Look Around [Special Edition Extended Play Double Disc]"
07. Brand Nubians "Time's Runnin' Out"
08. Freestyle Professors "The Best of Freestyle Professors"
09. Buckwild "Diggin' In The Crates – Rare Studio Masters: 1993 – 1997"
10. Grand Daddy I.U. "Smooth Assassin"
Special Mista Finesse Porn Prize to Kool Keith's "Sex Style – The Un-Released Archives".
Rayon faisandé:
01. Ultramagnetic MC'S "The Best Kept Secret"
02. Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
03. edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
04. Chamillionaire "Ultimate Victory"
05. Awol One, Josh Martinez & DJ Moves "Splitsville"
06. Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
07. Prince Po & TomC3 "Saga Of The Simian Samurai"
08. Wu-Tang Clan "8 Diagrams"
09. Baby Elephant "Turn My Teeth Up!"
10. Anomaly "Mesa"
Ainsi qu'un paquet de daubes délivrées par Kool Keith cette année, Madlib et son "Beat Konducta In India", Oh No et son "Dr. No's Oxperiment", et pour reprendre les mots de mon confrère, le manque d'ambition ou d'audace de l'écrasante majorité des sorties rap entendues cette année.
Rayon Mixtape:
01. Black Milk & Bishop Lamont "Caltroit"
02. Mick Boogie presents Busta Rhymes & J Dilla "Dillagence"
03. Giovanni Marks "Black Adam [Mixtape Vol.1]
04. Ghostface Killah & J-Love "Hidden Darts [Special Edition]"
05. Youth:Kill "Mixtape Vol.01"
For 2008: Look out for "Detox", The Cool Kidz and Laitdbac bitchez!
Abstract Hip-Hop:
01. Flying Lotus "Reset"
02. Oh No "Dr. No's Oxperiment"
03. Daedelus "Fair Weather Friends"
04. Blockhead "Uncle Tony's Coloring Book"
05. Thes One "Lifestyle Marketing"
Autres Musiques (Ordre Alphabétique):
!!! "Myth Takes"
Animal Collective "Strawberry Jam"
Battles "Mirrored"
David Torn "Presenz"
Faust & Nurse With Wound "Disconnected"
LCD Soundsystem "Sound Of Silver"
Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
Radiohead "In Rainbows"
Robert Wyatt "Comicopera"
Supersilent "8"
Mentions Spéciales / Hors-Concours:
M.Fusion "The Goth Kid EP" ; Kool Keith "Sex Styles - The Un-Released Archives" ; Debmaster "Marvelous Dump" ; Necro "Death Rap" ; Look Daggers "The Patience EP" ; Federation "It's Whateva" ; Existereo "Mixed Drinks Vol.1" ; Adlib "International Beats (Final Version)" ; Seth Gueko "Patate De Forain" ; Dirt Nasty "Dirt Nasty" ; Awol One, Josh Martinez & DJ Moves "Splitsville" ; Giovanni Marks "Black Adam [Mixtape Vol.1]" ; Thavius Beck "Give Us Free!" ; El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead" ; Chamillionaire "Ultimate Victory" ; Daedelus "Fair Weather Friends".
Autres Musiques:
01. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
02. Modeselektor "Happy Birthday"
03. Justice "†"
Morceaux de l'année:
Lab Waste 'System Of A Down Ass Nickel'
Lab Waste 'People Talk About Us'
Flying Lotus 'S T U N T S'
edIT, Busdriver, TTC & D-Styles 'Crunk De Gaulle'
Devin The Dude, Lil' Wayne & Bun B 'Lil Girl Gone'
Awol One, Josh Martinez & DJ Moves 'Splitsville'
Debmaster 'T'inquiète'
Wiley 'Gangsters'
Radiohead 'Reckoner'
Dirt Nasty '1980'
Chamillionaire 'Industry Groupie'
Chamillionaire feat. Slick Rick 'Hip-Hop Police'
Dizzee Rascal feat. UGK 'Where's Da G's?'
UGK 'The Game Belongs To Me'
La Rumeur 'Qui Ca Etonne Encore?'
Smells like hip-hop spirit:
La Rumeur "Du Coeur A L'Outrage" ; Thaione Davis "Burgundy [The Antebellum Collection]" ; Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"; Wu-Tang Clan "8 Diagrams" ; Devin The Dude "Waintin' To Inhale" ; Xczircles "The Urge" ; Rumi "Hell Me Why?" ; Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance" ; Buck 65 "Situation" ; TOCA "Toca" ; Subtle "Yell&Ice" ; Look Daggers "The Patience EP" ; Giovanni Marks "Marks In Angles" ; Youth:Kill "Mixtape Vol.01".
Strictly beats:
01. Flying Lotus "Reset"
02. Tenshun "Nihilism"
03. Oh No "Dr. No's Oxperiment"
04. Lukid "Onandon"
05. Thes One "Lifestyle Marketing"
Hors concours (rééditions / archives):
1. Kool Keith "Sex Style – The Un-Released Archives"
2. J Dilla "Ruff Draft"
3. Godfather Don "The Nineties Session"
4. Existereo "Mixed Drinks Volume 1" (2:99 Rec)
5. Gel Roc "Laws And Flaws" (LP version)
Album le plus attendu pour 2008: Food For Animals "Belly".
Aprés de nombreux reports de sortie depuis l'été 2007, l'album verra finalement le jour début 2008. Gageons qu'il ne sera pas oublié lorsqu'il s'agira de distinguer les meilleures pièces de l'année prochaine.
Diggin' in a musical world (15 albums classés par ordre alphabétique):
Amon Tobin "Foley Room"
Animal Collective "Strawberry Jam"
Battles "Mirrored"
David Torn "Presenz"
Deerhunter "Cryptograms"
Dirty Projectors "Rise Above"
Faust & Nww "Disconnected"
Liars "Liars"
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez "Se Dice Bisonte, No Buffalo"
Oxbow "The Narcotic Story"
Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
Radiohead "In Rainbows"
Sightings "Through The Panama"
Supersilent "8"
Turzi "A"
Mentions Honorables (en vrac):
Eliot Lipp "City Synthesis"
Prefuse 73 "Preparations"
Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance"
Xczircles "The Purge"
Thaione Davis "Burgundy [The Antebellum Collection]"
Bleubird "RIP U$A"
Thes One "Lifestyle Marketing"
Giovanni Marks "Marks In Angles" & "Black Adam [Mixtape Vol.1]"
Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
Oh No "Dr. No's Oxperiment"
Necro "Death Rap"
TOCA "Toca"
EP's de l'année:
Flying Lotus "Reset"
Daedelus "Fair Weather Friends"
Xczircles "The Urge EP"
Meilleures Rééditions et Archives: Voir toutes celles qui ont été citées par Cobalt & Finesse.
Mentions Spéciales:
Lukid "Onandon"
Flying Lotus "Reset"
edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat
Take "Earthtones & Concrete"
20 Bons Disques Non Hip-Hop:
Caribou "Andorra"
Angels Of Light "We Are Him"
Plaid "Tekkon Kinkreet OST"
Liars "s/t"
Kid A "Nightvision / Midnite Kabuki + The Tangerine Dream"
Enon "Grass Geysers Carbon Clouds"
Burial "Untrue"
Marvin "s/t"
Scout Niblett "This Fool Can Die Now"
Thurston Moore "Trees Outside The Academy"
Frog Pocket "Come On Primates Show Us Your Teeth"
Modeselektor "Happy Birthday"
Splint! "Moro"
Oxbow "The Narcotic Story"
Radiohead "In Rainbows"
Battles "Mirrored"
Robert Wyatt "Comicopera"
Sleeping States "There The Open States"
Marnie Stern "In Advance Of The Broken Arm"
Seventeen Evergreen "Life Embarrases Me On Earth"
Mentions Spéciales:
Heliocentrics "Out There"
Hannu "Worms In My Piano"
Mia "Kala"
Ra "Wxfdswxc2"
Jose Gonzales "In Our Nature"
Fog "Ditherer"
RJD2 "The Third Hand"
Jose Gonzales "In Our Nature"
Klimek "Directions"
Walter Gross "Triumph Trash'd" / "Kind Of Blue Vol.1"
Chris De Luca Vs Phon.o "Shotgun Wedding Vol.7: Wedding Wow"
The Gaslamp Killer "Gaslamp Killers" / "It's A Rocky Road Vol.1 & 2"
Buddy Peace & Carlo "Commonwealth Kids"
Modeselektor "Boogybytes Vol.3"
Starkey "Live At Do It Vs. 7 Year Glitch, London"
Kode 9 "Sonar 2007 Promo Mix"
Megasoid "Ghostride The UFO"
...et les mixes Norwegian Hood parce qu'on est jamais mieux servi... etc.
Albums post mortem:
Elliott Smith "New Moon"
Nick Drake "Family Tree"
Les oubliés de 2006:
Sach & Inoe Oner "Name Science"
Kode 9 & Spaceape "Memories Of The Future"
Disc_Or.Dance "Volume 1"
Dave Dub "Programmed D"
Kirb & Chris "Niggaz & White Girlz"
Attentes 2008:
les albums/tapes de Lab Waste, Anti-Pop Consortium, Company Flow (?), Cool Kids, Youth:Kill, Vex'd, Portishead, Dose One VS Mike Patton, My Bloody Valentine, Megasoid, Clark, Thavius Beck, MHE, Kail... les prods de Starkey, Lazer Sword, Kode 9, les sorties Anstam Music, Hyperdub, BEAR...
Top 5 des artistes
01. Travis "The Boy With No Name"
02. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
03. Common "Finding Forever"
04. Feist "The Reminder"
05. Wilco "Sky Blue Sky"
Abstract Rude
01. Aloe Blacc "Shine Through"
02. Pigeon John "...And The Summertime Pool Party"
03. Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
04. Brother Ali "The Undisputed Truth"
05. Lupe Fiasco "The Cool"
06. Aceyalone "Lightning Strikes"
07. Keith Murray "Rap-Murr-Phobia (The Fear Of Real Hip-Hop)"
08. Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
09. Kanye West "Graduation"
10. Little Brother "Get Back"
Mention honorable: Talib Kweli "Eardrum"
01. Iron & Wine "Shepards Dog"
02. Redwing Blackbird "Redwing Blackbird"
03. The Cinematic Orchestra "Ma Fleur"
04. The Pirate Signal "The Pirate Signal"
05. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
01. Giraffe Nuts "Eat Them"
02. Copperpot "WYLA?"
03. Matlock "Moonshine"
04. PNS "Audiotronics"
05. The Opus "Blending Density"
- UGK "Underground Kingz"
- Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
- LCD Soundsystem "Sound Of Silver"
- Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
01. Justice "†"
02. Radical Face "Ghost"
03. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
04. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
05. Joanna Newsom "Joanna Newsom And The Y's Street Band EP"
Awol One
Top 5 des albums les plus écoutés cette année:
- Ellay Khule & Joe Dub "In My Own World"
- Silversun Pickups "Carnavas"
- The Chemikillz "s/t"
- Serj Tankian "Elect The Dead"
- Gel Roc "Laws And Flaws"
01. Scarface "MADE"
02. UGK "Underground Kingz"
03. Steve Earle "Washington Square Serenade"
04. Sixtoo "Jackals And Vipers In Envy Of Man"
05. NYG'z "Welcome 2 G-Dom"
2007 for me was the year of non stop movement, so much that i was never able to keep up on new music being released, for me it was experiencing bands live that really left a mark, so if you will make an exception ... i have no favorite albums of 2007, only five amazing live show experiences... in no particular order...
- TV On The Radio, Montreal Quebec
- Saul Williams, Austin Texas
- Deerhoof, Vendome France
- Mike Ladd, Kortijk Belgium
- Battles, Nantes France
01. Kanye West "Graduation"
02. Common "Finding Forever"
03. Jay-Z "American Gangster"
04. Little Brother "Get Back"
Can't think of a fifth full album I was really digging. That's why people complain about the state of Hip Hop. Sad but true...
Brad Hamers
01. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
02. Animal Collective "Strawberry Jam"
03. Paleo "Paleo's Song Diary: 365 Songs In 365 Days"
04. Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
05. Stars Of The Lid "And Their Refinement Of The Decline "
Mention Honorable: Beirut "The Flying Club Cup"
- Zimbabwe Legit "House Of Stone"
- Godfather Don "The Slave Of NY EP"
- Prince Po & TomC3 "Saga Of The Simian Samurai"
- Chrisette Michele "I Am"
- Black Sheep "8WM / Novakane"
Cap D
01. Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
02. The Good, The Bad And The Queen "s/t"
03. Kanye West "Graduation"
04. The Shins "Wincing The Night Away"
00. TOCA "Toca" :)
01. Animal Collective "Strawberry Jam"
02. Little Wings "Soft Pow'r"
03. Adrian Orange & Her Band "s/t"
04. Cars & Trains "Rusty String"
05. MC Homeless "Trapped Under An Ohio Sky"
Crunc Tesla
01. High Priest "Born Identity"
02. Subtitle "Terrain To Roam" (re-release)
03. No Surrender "Radioclit vs. No Surrender EP"
04. Dragons Of Zynth "Coronation Thieves"
05. Danger "11/9/07"
01. Osaka Monaurail "Reality For The People"
02. Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quintet "The Apocalypse Inside Of An Orange"
03. edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
04. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
05. Deathspell Omega "Fas -- Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum"
Daddy Kev
01. Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
02. Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quintet "The Apocalypse Inside Of An Orange"
03. edIT "Certified Air Raid Material"
04. Flying Lotus "Reset"
05. Battles "Mirrored"
- Starkey "NC-17 EP"
- Beirut "Elephant Gun EP"
- Busdriver "RoadKillOvercoat"
- Flying Lotus "Reset"
- Caribou "Andorra"
Top 5 producers from L.A. for 2007:
- Computer Jay
- Carlos Nino
- Flying Lotus
- Daddy Kev
- Ras G
Dday One
- Bill Frisell "Floratone"
- Amon Tobin "Foley Room"
- Various Artists "The Heart On The Right Spot"
- Mr. Cooper "Inertia 10inch"
- Inner Science "Forms EP"
01. Federation "It's Whateva"
02. Turf Talk "West Coast Vaccine (The Cure)"
03. Taktloss & The Rifleman "WWW"
04. Esoteric "Egoclapper"
05. Touch & Nato are The Representatives "Intelligent Design"
- Misel Quitno "Sleep Over Pieces Vol.1"
- Heralds Of Change "Secrets EP 12inch"
- Fulgeance "1"
- Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
- Frank N Dank 'Clap Hands (Morgan Spacek Remix)'
01. DJ Muggs vs Sick Jacken "Legend Of The Mask & The Assassin"
02. Ex Vandalz "Graffiti Brydge (Docile Takeover Vol.1)"
03. Joe Dub "Pooretry"
04. Arcsin "Oculus Fang"
05. LVX Collective "50.5.10"
DJ Babu
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Evidence "The Weatherman LP"
- Common "Finding Forever"
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
- Percee P "Perseverance"
DJ Gero
01. Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
02. Dabaaz "Moi, Ma Gueule & Ma Propre Personne"
03. UGK "Underground Kingz"
04. Jimes Jones "Hustlers P.O.M.E."
05. Kanye West "Graduation"
DJ Hen Boogie
01. Build An Ark "Dawn"
02. Mick Boogie presents Busta Rhymes & J Dilla "Dillagence"
03. Melina Jones "Swearing Off Busters"
04. Talib Kweli "Eardrum"
05. Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
DJ Moves
01. Havoc "The Kush"
02. Touch & Nato are The Representatives "Intelligent Design"
03. Suga Free "Sunday School"
04. Grand Daddy I.U. "Stick To The Script"
05. Ky-Mani Marley "Radio"
DJ Nu-Mark
Top 5 Tracks:
01. Nyoil 'Yall Should All Get Lynched'
02. Skyzoo & Torae 'Get It Done'
03. Candela All Stars 'Mi Swing Es Tropical (Quantic Re-Mix)'
04. DJ Spinna 'Dilla Is The G.O.A.T.'
05. Keith Kanga 'Butterfly (Version 2)'
DJ Signify
01. Les Rallizes Denudes "'77 Live" (reissue)
02. Harmonia "Live 1974" (reissue)
03. Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
04. Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
05. Alva Noto "Xerrox Vol.1"
DJ Vadim
01. Common "Finding Forever"
02. Collie Buddz "s/t"
03. Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
04. Hezekiah "I Predict A Riot"
05. Belleruche "Turntable Soul Music"
Eliot Lipp
01. Evidence "The Weatherman LP"
Mr. Slowflow brings the heat on this westcoast classic.
02. UGK "Underground Kingz"
A Double Disk Classic that brings together the old and the new school. Nice slow beats for the whip. R.I.P. Pimp C.
03. Kanye West "Graduation"
I love Kanye I don't care what anyone says he is talented.
04. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
This guy still has plenty of stuff to yell about.
05. Talib Kweli & Madlib "The Liberation"
Madlib & Talib Kweli are at the top of their game on this one.
Ellay Khule
01. Boba Fett "Master Of The Universe"
02. Joe Dub "Pooretry"
03 Pink Palace
(Young Girls Rap Group)
04. L.A. Streetz Mixtape Vol.1
05. 8-Bit Bandit & Dumbfoundead "Super Barrio Bros."
had to really think
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
- Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
- Common "Finding Forever"
- Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
Mentions honorables:
- Amy Winehouse "Back To Black"
- The White Stripes "Icky Thump"
- M.I.A. "Kala"
- Jay-Z "American Gangster"
01. Sole And The Skyrider Band "s/t"
02. Julie Doiron "Woke Myself Up"
03. Giovanni Marks "Marks In Angles"
04. TOCA "Toca"
05. Ira Lee "Die"
01. Evidence "The Weatherman LP"
02. Kanye West "Graduation"
03. Blu & Exile "Below The Heavens"
04. J Dilla "Ruff Draft"
05. Little Brother "Get Back"
01. Black Moth Super Rainbow "Dandelion Gum"
02. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
03. CocoRosie "The Adventures Of Ghosthorse And Stillborn"
04. Dethklok "The Deth Album"
05. Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings "100 Days, 100 Nights"
Mentions honorables:
- Rob Sonic "Sabotage Gigante"
- Lightning Bolt (All Albums)
- Lil' Wayne "None Higher Mixtape"
- M.I.A. "Kala"
- Justice "†"
- Octane & Illite "The Forgotten...Chosen"
(peep these guys if you can. Dope rappers from Detroit... down with One Be Lo and Slum Village, really dope.)
etc etc etc etc etc etc.................
01. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
02. TOCA "Toca"
03. Bored Stiff "From The Ground Up"
04. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
05. Grayskul "Bloody Radio"
Flying Lotus
01. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
02. Burial "Untrue"
03. Panda Bear "Person Pitch"
04. Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art''
05. Justice "†"
Ghislain Poirier
Top 5 des meilleurs tracks en 2007:
01. Burro Banton 'Badder Den Dem (No Borders Riddim)'
02. Dizzee Rascal 'Pussyole (Old Skool)'
03. Alison Hinds 'Thundah'
04. Mali 'Métrizé Tchad Aw'
05. Various Production 'Hater'
Bonus: 06. Mr. Vegas 'Mek Dem R.I.P. (Drumline Riddim)'
Giovanni Marks
01. The Noisettes "What's The Time Mr. Wolf?"
02. Waajeed "The War LP"
03. The Wascals "Greatest Hits"
04. Wiley "Playtime Is Over"
05. Digitalism "Idealism"
most honorable mention goes to Debmaster, Thavius Beck, TTC, Arcade Fire, Sixtoo, Bleubird and edIT...
Grand Daddy I.U.
- Jay-Z "American Gangster"
- R Kelly Double Up
- Freeway "Free At Last"
- Scarface "MADE"
- Ne-Yo "Because Of You"
Guilty Simpson
01. Black Milk "Popular Demand"
02. Black Milk & Bishop Lamont "Caltroit"
03. Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
04. UGK "Underground Kingz"
05. Sean Price "Jesus Price Supastar"
01. UGK "Underground Kingz"
02. Sean Price "Jesus Price Supastar"
03. Flying Lotus "Reset"
04. Maxmillion Dunbar "Feel Free"
05. Turf Talk "West Coast Vaccine (The Cure)"
- El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
- Common "Finding Forever"
- Alicia Keys "As I Am"
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Jay-Z "American Gangster"
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
- KRS-One & Marley Marl "Hip Hop Lives"
- DJ Waht "The Farina Beat Supplement"
- 9th Scientist "Illatron Magnetic"
- Thaione Davis "Burgundy [The Antebellum Collection]"
- J.Sands "The Breaks Vol.2"
- Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
- KRS-One & Marley Marl "Hip Hop Lives"
- UGK "Underground Kingz"
Top 5 Tracks:
01. Illa J 'Me & My Brother'
02. Oddisee 'Once Again'
03. Biggie feat. Ness, Black Rob & Aasim 'Live At The BBQ 2007'
04. Common 'Misunderstood'
05. Common 'Break My Heart'
- Peanut Butter Wolf presents 2K8: B-Ball Zombie War
- Percee P "Perserverance"
- Waajeed "The War LP"
- Mathematics presents Wu-Tang Clan: The Return
- Talib Kweli & Madlib "Liberation"
Top 5 hardest things for me to do in 2007:
01. Find a pair of sneakers that don't look awful or cost over $60.
02. Get back into NYC nightlife and play the dating game. Fuck it, I quit. I'm gettin a mail order bride.
03. Watch more than 30 seconds of BET's 106 & Park.
04. Quit drinking (I managed to do it though).
05. A rap show. My last show was the hardest 40 minutes of my life... I knew it was time to move on!
Jake One
01. Little Brother "Get Back"
02. Young Buck "Buck The World"
03. Turf Talk "West Coast Vaccine (The Cure)"
04. UGK "Underground Kingz"
05. Freeway "Free At Last"
Jason The Argonaut
- Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
- El Michaels Affair "Duel Of The Iron Mic 7inch"
- Evidence "The Weatherman LP"
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- J.Rocc "Thank You J Dilla Act 2 (Stones Throw Podcast)"
Joe Beats
01. CunninLynguists "Dirty Acres"
02. Battles "Mirrored"
03. Dengue Fever "Venus On Earth"
04. The White Stripes "Icky Thump"
05. DJ Day "The Day Before"
Joe Dub
01. Tabi Bonney "A Fly Guy's Theme"
02. Freeway "Free At Last"
03. Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
04. Turf Talk "West Coast Vaccine (The Cure)"
05. Eliot Lipp "City Synthesis"
John Smith
- Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
- Scarface "MADE"
- Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
- El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
- UGK "Underground Kingz"
Mention honorable: The Roots "Game Theory",
which I didn't fully appreciate till early 2007.
01. Kanye West "Graudation"
02. Blu & Exile "Below The Heavens"
03. Common "Finding Forever"
04. Mr. J. Medeiros "Of Gods And Girls"
05. Y Society "Travel At Your Own Pace"
- Radiohead "In Rainbows"
- Saul Williams "The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of NiggyTardust!"
- Buck 65 "Situation"
- Feist "The Reminder"
- Sole And The Skyrider Band "s/t"
King Britt
01. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
Once again the boys do an amazing job of fusing electronics and rock in an unprecedented manner. I only paid 2 pounds for it too!!!
02. Madlib "Beat Konducta In India"
Fusing indian rhythms with his signature nasty beats, Madlib once again proves that hip-hop is universal in its language. A must.
03. Slam "Human Response"
Techno at its sexiest. Reminiscent of the Nova Dream Sequence, diving deep into the sonic bubblebath. A must for heads!
04. Mark Ronson "Version"
Bringing back the sixties... Motown influenced flava... Santogold makes an appearance... Big ups!
05. LCD Soundsystem "Sound Of Silver"
Hands down the best dance album of 2007... Taking me back to 80's in NYC!
L.I.F.E. Long
- L.I.F.E. Long "Still Waiting Mixtape"
- Pharoahe Monch "Desire"
- Styles P "Super Gangster (Extraordinary Gentleman)"
- Breez Evahflowin and Dirt E Dutch are Troublemakers
- High Priest "Born Identity"
Le Jouage
- Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
- Yael Naim "s/t"
- Lo-Fi-Fnk "Boy Life"
- James Delleck "Le Cri Du Papillon"
- The Sugar Plum Fairy "s/t"
I haven't listened to much new music this year, so here's a list of some music, movies and video...
- Public Enemy "How You Sell Soul to A Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul???"
- Radiohead "In Rainbows"
- Flaming Lips "UFO's At The Zoo" (Live DVD)
- Lakai's "Fully Flared" (Skate Video)
- Coen Bros "No Country For Old Men"
Mag Spencer
- Dinner At The Thompsons "Lifetime On Planet Earth"
- Jill Scott "The Real Thing: Words And Sounds Vol.3"
- Chromeo "Fancy Footwork"
- Common "Finding Forever"
- Ben Harper "Lifeline"
- Kanye West "Graudation"
- Devin The Dude "Waitin' To Inhale"
- Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
- Common "Finding Forever"
- Lupe Fiasco "The Cool"
Mention honorable: Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
Marc Live
01. Timbaland "Shock Value"
02. Kanye West "Graduation"
03. 50 Cent "Curtis"
04. Ultramagnetic MC'S "The Best Kept Secret"
05. Amy Winehouse "Back To Black"
Marco Polo
- Sean Price "Jesus Price Supastar"
- Little Brother "Get Back"
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Radiohead "In Rainbows"
Marcus Graap
01. Battles "Mirrored"
02. UGK "Underground Kingz"
03. Timbaland "Shock Value"
04. Shy Child "Noise Won't Stop (Wall Of Sound)"
05. M.I.A. "Kala"
MC Serch
- Common "Finding Forever"
- Jay-Z "American Gangster"
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Mr. Wrong "Wrong Turn"
- Kid Rock "Rock'n'Roll Jesus"
01. M.I.A. "Kala"
02. Kanye West "Graduation"
03. Daedelus "Fair Weather Friends EP"
04. The Project "The Truth Today"
05. Panacea "The Scenic Route"
- Cam'ron "Public Enemy #1"
- Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
- J Dilla "Ruff Draft"
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
- CunninLynguists "Dirty Acres"
- Joe Dub "Pooretry"
- Mestizo "Dream State"
- Old English "Under The Hood Mixtape Vol.1"
- Transfer "Confessions Of A Reckless Yesterday"
- Rheteric "L.A. Is For Motherfuckers"
Mr Walt
01. Alicia Keys "As I Am"
02. Talib Kweli "Eardrum"
Damn, can't think of anything else, let me see... ummm
03. Amy Winehouse "Back To Black"
Damn, I hate when that happens!... Oh yeah!
04. The White Stripes "Icky Thump"
05. Redman "Red Gone Wild" / Scarface "MADE"
Mention honorable: Jay-Z "American Gangster"
Wow, we're (music) in trouble.
01. Blu & Exile "Below The Heavens"
02. Common "Finding Forever"
03. Little Brother "Get Back"
04. Kanye West "Graduation"
05. Talib Kweli "Eardrum"
01. Danny Diablo "Thugcore 4 Life"
02. Agnostic Front "Warriors"
03. Obituary "Executioner's Return"
04. Ill Bill "Black Metal"
05. Mr Hyde "Rare Demos And Freestyles"
No I.D.
01. Jay-Z "American Gangster"
02. Kanye West "Graduation"
03. Common "Finding Forever"
04. Chrisette Michelle "I Am"
05. OneRepublic "Dreaming Out Loud"
Top 5 miscellaneous:
01. Lil' Wayne
02. Will Oldham 'The World's Greatest (R. Kelly Cover)'
03. Hell Razah "Renaissance Child" and Blue Sky Black Death & Hell Razah "Razah's Lader"
04. Ceschi Ramos' live act
05. Opposable Thumbs
(still handy in 2007)
- Jay-Z "American Gangster"
- Radiohead "In Rainbows"
- I-Wayne "Book Of Life"
- Lil' Wayne "Lil' Weezyana Mixtape"
- Robust "El Photo Grande"
Odd Nosdam
- Jessica Bailiff "Old Things"
- Grouper "Way Their Crept" (reissue)
- Growing "Vision Swim"
- Jel "Greenball 3rd"
- Stars Of The Lid "And Their Refinement Of The Decline"
Orko Eloheim
Top 5 miscellaneous:
- Jah Fari "Wardrum Machine Dub"
- Abelton Live 7 (software)
- Lab Waste (revenge of the black nerds)
- Unklefesta @ Dubstep.fm
- Orko Eloheeim "777 Beats Acid Bible (Confession Of A Teenage Acid Lord)"
Pigeon John
01. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
02. Silverchair "Young Modern"
03. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
04. Kanye West "Graduation"
05. Grayskul "Bloody Radio"
Prince Po
- Prince Po & TomC3 "Saga Of The Simian Samurai"
- Mary J Blige "Growing Pains"
- Jay-Z "American Gangster"
- Jill Scott "The Real Thing: Words And Sounds Vol.3"
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
01. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead "
02. Sage Francis "Human The Death Dance"
03. Mary Gauthier "Between Daylight And Dark"
04. Buck 65 "Situation"
05. Benard Dolan "The Failure"
Psalm One
- Manu Chao "La Radiolina"
- El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
- Amy Winehouse "Back To Black"
- 50 Cent "Curtis"*
- Lupe Fiasco "The Cool"
notice the nod to 50 and not Kanye. Before you kill me, let me say that 50 has been consistent in three albums while Kanye's latest was a bit of a disappointment.
01. Ill Bill "Black Metal"
02. DJ F.M. "Street Mixes Vol.1"
03. Amy Winehouse "Back To Black"
04. Necro "Death Rap"
05. DJ Muggs vs Sick Jacken "Legend Of The Mask & The Assassin"
01. Lynx And Ram "The System's On And It's Flashing Red"
02. Radiohead "In Rainbows"
03. Venetian Snares "My Downfall"
04. Blonde Redhead "23"
05. El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
Ras Kass
01. Domingo "The Most Underrated"
02. Kanye West "Graduation"
03. 50 Cent "Curtis"
04. Jay-Z "American Gangster"
05. Common "Finding Forever"
Reef The Lost Cauze
01. King Magnetic "Everythings A Gamble"
02. Scarface "MADE"
03. Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rhehab"
04. Common "Finding Forever"
05. Joell Ortiz "The Brick (Bodega Chronicles)"
Rob Sonic
- Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
- El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
- The White Stripes "Icky Thump"
- PJ Harvey "White Chalk"
- Freeway "Free At Last"
- Saigon " The Moral Of The Story"
- Scarface "MADE"
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Mestizo "Dream State"
- Rheteric "L.A. Is For Motherfuckers"
Scott Da Ross
- Saul Williams "The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of NiggyTardust!"
- Wilco "Sky Blue Sky"
- TOCA "Toca"
- Amon Tobin "Foley Room"
- Rob Sonic " abotage Gigante"
Shabaam Sahdeeq
01. Scarface "MADE"
02. Common "Finding Forever"
03. Jay-Z "American Gangster"
04. Kanye West "Graduation"
05. Styles P "Super Gangster (Extraordinary Gentleman)"
Skratch Bastid
- UGK "Underground Kingz"
- Scarface "MADE"
- El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
- Feist "The Reminder"
- Arcade Fire "Neon Bible"
Mentions honorables:
- Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings "100 Days, 100 Nights"
- Kanye West "Graduation"
- Slow Down, Molasses "EP"
- TOCA "Toca"
- Maybe Smith "Animals And Architects"
- Awol One & Factor "Only Death Can Kill You"
- Arcade Fire "Neon Bible"
- Black Milk "Popular Demand"
- M.I.A. "Kala"
- Timbaland "Shock Value"
- Will.I.Am "Songs About Girls"
- Prince Ali "Curb Side Service"
Tame One
01. Redman "Red Gone Wild"
02. Jay-Z "American Gangster"
03. Lupe Fiasco "The Cool"
04. Wu-Tang Clan "8 Diagrams"
- Invisible Superstars Volume 001
- Blue Sabbath Black Cheer "Untitled 1-Sided LP"
- The Futurians "Play The Breathtaking Sounds Of Tivol 7inch"
- Burial Ground "LP"
- Youth:Kill "Mixtape Vol.01"
I didn't have much time to hear too many releases out there because i was in jail for half of the year, but these were the albums i bought and gave me inspiration.
Thaione Davis
- 4 Hero "Play With The Changes"
- Talib Kweli "Eardrum"
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
- Stephen Marley "Mind Control"
- Sean Price "Jesus Price Supastar"
Mention honorable: Kokayi "Mass Instructions"
Thavius Beck
- Dizzee Rascal "Maths + English"
- Wiley "Playtime Is Over"
- M.I.A. "Kala"
- UGK "Undergroud Kingz"
- Prodigy "Return Of The Mac"
The Gaslamp Killer
- MHE Unreleased LP
- Gonjasufi Unreleased LP
- Flying Lotus Unreleased LP
- Sam-I-Yam Unreleased LP
- Portishead Unreleased LP
All of these were done in 07,
and will be out on shelves in 08.
01. Ayhan Aydin "The Shape Of Ill To Come"
02. Cytech "Massacre EP"
03. Ohmacht "Sprachlos"
04. GMR "Gâteau Blaster"
05. Akala "Freedom Lasso"
Walter Gross
01. Sneakmove "Minicomp2"
02. Odd Nosdam "Level Live Wires"
03. Sole And The Skyrider Band "s/t"
04. Vincent Black Shadow "s/t"
05. Arcade Fire "Neon Bible"
Weeda Fresh
- X Makeena "Instinctive Dérive"
- LVX Collective "50.5.10"
- Shape Of Broad Minds "Craft Of The Lost Art"
- James Delleck "Le Cri Du Papillon"
- Ez3kiel "Naphtaline"
Yak Ballz
- Ghostface Killah "The Big Doe Rehab"
- Radiohead "In Rainbows"
- Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
- El-P "I'll Sleep When You're Dead"
- The Shins "Wincing The Night Away"
Phara Janvier 2008